Face-to-face training

Presentation and management of European projects at the local level


Facilitate participants’ knowledge and access to European programs that benefit local administrations and that have information on the tasks necessary to present and manage a European project with quality.

The course explains from the first step, how to generate winning ideas, offering practical keys on the requirements of the calls and the visions of the evaluators, in a context of aid cuts at national and regional level and in which the EU is the only body which maintains and even increases its lines of support for competitiveness, innovation and development.

Duration: 20 hours


  • Ensure that the different organizations have fully trained personnel to capture and manage European project financing.
  • Know the European financing map to cover the needs that the implementation of the innovation agenda in local entities.
  • Learn about public support for innovation from the European Union for municipalities.
  • Generate, prepare and evaluate eligible ideas during the same course.
  • Understand the procedures and mechanisms of European financing.
  • Study success factors for obtaining financing.
  • Develop a project as a practical case.


  • Search for opportunities and partners.
  • European financing map to cover the needs that the implementation of the innovation agenda.
    • Find out about public support for innovation from the European Union:
    • Priorities of the European Union. New economic and social paradigm.
    • Project Assembly. Search for Financing.
    • Workplan.
    • Design of a participation strategy.
    • Generation of winning ideas.
    • Presentation and management of quality European projects.
    • Planning. Phases and steps to follow.
    • Partner search.
  • Procedural and financial aspects
    • Preparation of a budget.
    • Technical and financial justification of the Project.
  • Communication and models of success
    • Preparation of a communication and dissemination plan.
    • Excellent project management.
    • Execution and monitoring.
    • Internal and external evaluation of the project.
    • Dissemination of activities and results.
  • Workshop on writing projects:
  • In order to create successful proposals, eligible ideas will be prepared and evaluated during the same course. It will seek to understand the procedures and mechanisms of European financing. Study success factors for obtaining financing.
  • Workshop of practical cases and general advice.
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Face-to-face training

Leadership of teams, people and talent


Focused on managers and intermediate positions that have the responsibility to lead and make people “do” in an effective and efficient way, this program offers tools that efficiently manage team change, knowledge and talent, as well as increase adaptability and motivation to involve and align human teams.

Become aware and anchor the importance of transparent communication for the exercise of leadership.

Duration: 8 hours


  • Emphasize the importance of investing time and effort in changing the way of conceiving relationships with clients, collaborators, colleagues and bosses so that these translate into higher performance and the best possible results.
  • Developing teamwork skills and leading efficient work teams.
  • Promote new skills and competencies as managers to students, from a practical point of view in the daily situations that the leader of a work team faces on a daily basis.
  • Analyze the work routines that define effective leaders. Using goals in a motivating way that helps direct efforts in the same direction
  • Know how to apply the principles of motivation to increase the morale and performance of a work team.
  • Development of competencies to lead cohesive and effective teams, directed professionals from any functional area, who have people in charge.
  • Develop different work habits and create a proactive culture.
  • Improve the capacity and quality of communication of work groups in the management of a project, their creativity when looking for solutions to evolve towards High Performance behaviors
  • Know how to develop group awareness and responsibility in the work teams.
  • Understand what is a conscious communication (body, mind, emotion, consciousness), and encourage to put it into practice
  • Discover the roots of effective communication.
  • The appropriate behaviors to deploy in order to develop interpersonal relationships based on conscious listening.


  • Tools for building high-performance teams.
  • Business and professional innovation and creativity.
  • Priority and time management of work teams.
  • Pro-active culture. Empower: the art of taking responsibility.
  • Influence / persuasion. Business vision and contribution.
  • Practical techniques of effective communication.
  • Negotiation. Win-win agreements promoting positive strategies
  • Management of team meetings (control, monitoring of objectives, improvement and correction actions).
  • Skills to lead participatory teams.
Face-to-face training

Self-leadership and Personal Management. Efficacy and Professional Development


The course seeks to make an impact and offer the necessary tools to the participants so that they are able to deploy talent aligned with the expected results and focused on priorities.

To do this, we will practice Personal Planning and Organization techniques, through personal knowledge, the design of objectives and how to prioritize to achieve these objectives, effectively managing time, both in personal and professional life. After completing the course, the students will have the knowledge and tools to improve their own efficiency and manage time so that they will find it easier to achieve work objectives.

For this, it is important to know how to distinguish between working and organizing work, knowing how to establish priorities, clarifying our objectives to increase our productivity along the lines that we want to advance and not those imposed by others. Work very practical ideas on how to eliminate distractions and interruptions, know how to use an agenda to capture our objectives.

Duration: 6 hours


The goal is for it to be used for change and increased productivity, to make better use of resources such as time from a professional point of view (meet deadlines, achieve our goals and those of the company) and enjoy it more from a personal point of view (to fulfill our personal mission), being in both cases, there is a necessity to be more rigorous with our time.

Train the student to:

  • Understand the importance of focusing decisions and activities towards what is truly important.
  • Know how to manage priorities, integrating the needs of the environment.
  • Personally diagnose how we do not manage our time well and change their habits.
  • Analyze all the tasks to be carried out and establish an order of priority.
  • Plan a personal strategy with your goals.
  • Identify as an alert the traps where one tends to waste time.
  • Implement actions aimed at safeguarding the environment and gender equality.


  • Self-diagnosis of values ​​that sustain leaders and the company.
  • Recognition of the talents that I can display to serve the purpose of my position.
  • Clarifying my personal purpose and balancing it with the team.
  • From personal mission to team mission, Aligning.
  • Participatory Techniques: Without involvement there is no commitment.
  • Skills to build trust
  • The example we want to give.

(Thought / emotion / action / result)

  • Reliable relationships.
  • Nature of time.
  • Habits that make us unproductive and practical keys to increase our productivity.
  • Take control.
  • Items that cause loss of time. Time thief management.
  • Action plans to avoid wasting time.
  • Guidelines for making the most of your time.
  • Prioritize. Task Classification.
  • Planning. Definition of objectives.
  • Definition of Strategies. Establish priorities according to the objectives in the organization.
Face-to-face training

Leadership through Innovation and Creativity


It is increasingly necessary to develop the innovation and collective intelligence of the company in this new era. For this reason, this course seeks to make the participants capable of generating and leading the transformation of their company.

At the beginning, all the variables of the current environment that affect your company will be worked on, and for them exercises will be included that promote the knowledge of the strengths of character and talents of the participants and their teams.

Tools will be used to help clarify the impact and contributions they want to develop, clarifying the purpose of the team and developing the skills necessary to accompany team members, generating involvement and commitment.

Duration: 4 hours


  • Generate and lead the transformation of the company.
  • Define your agile leadership model.
  • Develop agility skills for the manager and his team.
  • Accompany your team in agile management.


  • Lead the Change. New work paradigm.
  • The figure of the in-entrepreneur.
  • Leadership, Talent and innovation.
  • The strategic process of innovation
  • Innovation, people and society knowledge.
  • Practical keys to increase innovation.
  • Innovation in markets. Innovation opportunities derived from globalization.
  • Innovation in products and services