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GEINNOVA is excited to announce about our new project, WELLDONE, inspired by the EU’s campaign for healthier workplaces. The project comes at a time when the way we work is changing a lot because of new technology, more people wanting to work from home. Studies show that around 30% of workers in Europe now work this way, and while it offers more flexibility and a better balance between work and personal life, it also brings new challenges.

WELLDONE aims to help HR professionals, managers, and team leaders learn how to make working from home or in a hybrid model (mix of home and office) better and safer for everyone. The aim is to teach them how to create good work policies, assess risks, and train for safe remote work practices. Tips and insights from the Healthy Workplaces Campaign to help workers set up their home offices in a way that reduces risks and makes work more enjoyable will be used.

The Project focus is on:
Managing the Project: Working closely with all partners to make sure everything stays on track.
Hybrid Work Toolkit: Making a toolkit full of resources to help companies implement good hybrid work policies and overcome challenges like feeling isolated or working too much.
Training Program: Creating a training program for HR professionals and managers on how to make digital work better for everyone’s well-being.
E-learning Portal: Building an online learning hub where HR professionals, managers, and anyone interested can find resources to help with digital well-being and effective hybrid work environments.
Spreading the Word: Plan to make sure people learn about our project and benefit from it. Using a clear and attractive design for our materials and stay active online.

GEINNOVA is working in collaboration with a variety of partners, including companies experienced in hybrid work, HR associations, training organizations, universities, chambers of commerce, NGOs, government agencies, and workers’ groups. All helping to make this project useful for different kinds of workplaces.

GEINNOVA is leading the way in adapting to new ways of working, aiming to create healthier and more productive work environments for the future. More updates coming on this exciting Project!