Strengthening the entrepreneurial mindset in the social economy

The REMIND project meets the priorities set by EU policy drivers such as ET2020, “Entrepreneurship in the EU and beyond”, “Fostering entrepreneurial mindsets through education and learning”, “Small Business Act for Europe”. At European level, lifelong learning objectives and priorities are underlined within key strategies and initiatives, such as the ET 2020 Strategic Framework and the Renewed European Agenda for VET Learning. REMIND takes into account the challenges of the “new normal” and aims to guide VET learners towards a successful entry into the world of work.

R.E.Mind addresses the needs of two main groups:

1) Vocational education and training students (15-19 years old).

2) Teachers/educators from partner countries.


1 – The RE.Mind project will help students acquire the knowledge, skills and tools to recognise entrepreneurship as a “process” rather than an “end point”. It therefore aims to define a solution to develop a conceptual shift from thinking of entrepreneurship as “how to run a business” to “how to develop a broad set of competences” applicable in all areas of life.

2 – The project has the ambition to transfer this new concept of entrepreneurship to school curricula by supporting teachers and educators in applying appropriate methods to identify, analyse and develop entrepreneurial skills in VET students.

3 – The project focuses on achieving the right mix of theoretical and practical components and removing the barriers between the worlds of business and education.

The partnership is composed of Norway, Spain, Austria, Greece, Italy and France.

Acronym: R.E.Mind

Start date: 01-11-2021

End date: 01-04-2024