On 2 and 11 July, GEINNOVA held two face-to-face training sessions in Galicia and the Canary Islands for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Rural Tourism, in the first case for local agents and in the second for vulnerable groups.

This training completes Module 3a and 3b of the RETTURN project developed by the FAMP (Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces) for the Creation of Tourism Experiences based on traditions in rural areas to enhance and safeguard intangible heritage, promoting territorial cohesion in our regions, and therefore in our country.

Among the objectives are:

  1. To build and articulate stories that are the basis of inspiring experiences that can be enjoyed in different parts of the country, but with a common thread: the enhancement and visibility of traditions and customs in danger of extinction.
  2. Implement pilot programmes for the generation of coherent tourism experiences adapted to the different territorial realities.
  3. Promote actions to be developed in each territory to involve local agents and disadvantaged groups, thus guaranteeing the positive impact of tourism experiences on local rural communities.
  4. To implement a technological solution for the communication and marketing of the Experiences Tourism Tradition of Rural Spain.

The conferences were very dynamic and collaborative, with 20 people attending in person and 250 online in Galicia. In the case of Gran Canaria there were 10 face-to-face and 180 online.

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